MAX_The value of the largest integer n such that n and n + 1 are both exactly representable as a Number value. The value of Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is 9007199254740991 2^53 − 1.
MAX_The largest number that can be represented in JavaScript. Equal to approximately 1.79E+308.
MIN_The value of the smallest integer n such that n and n − 1 are both exactly representable as a Number value. The value of Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER is −9007199254740991 (−(2^53 − 1)).
MIN_The closest number to zero that can be represented in JavaScript. Equal to approximately 5.00E-324.
NEGATIVE_A value that is less than the largest negative number that can be represented in JavaScript. JavaScript displays NEGATIVE_INFINITY values as -infinity.
NaNA value that is not a number. In equality comparisons, NaN does not equal any value, including itself. To test whether a value is equivalent to NaN, use the isNaN function.
POSITIVE_A value greater than the largest number that can be represented in JavaScript. JavaScript displays POSITIVE_INFINITY values as infinity.
prototypeReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether a value is the reserved value NaN (not a number). Unlike the global isNaN(), Number.isNaN() doesn't forcefully convert the parameter to a number. Only values of the type number, that are also NaN, result in true.
A numeric value.
Converts A string to an integer.
A string to convert into a number.
radix: numberA value between 2 and 36 that specifies the base of the number in string
If this argument is not supplied, strings with a prefix of '0x' are considered hexadecimal.
All other strings are considered decimal.
The value of Number.EPSILON is the difference between 1 and the smallest value greater than 1 that is representable as a Number value, which is approximately: 2.2204460492503130808472633361816 x 10−16.